7/27/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年六月廿二 星期六)
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External Chinese Learning Tools/Resources

English-Chinese Online Dictionary

A free Chinese<=>English online dictionary. It also provides Cantonese studying.

Learn Simplied Chinese's PinYin

This animation web site helps you to learn Simplified Chinese Pin Yin and pronunciation.

Learn Traditional Chinese's BoPoMoFo ZhuYin

This animation web site helps you to learn Traditional Chinese BoPoMoFo ZhuYin and pronunciation.

PinYin and BoPoMoFo ZhuYin Equivalence

There is a straight one-to-one correspondence between ZhuYin (BoPoMoFo) and PinYin (Chinese Romanization), with the few exceptions listed on University of Maryland website.

Get Your Chinese Name

Get your own Chinese name based on your English name and find out your sign in the Chinese Zodiac! Simply type in your first and last name, select what kind of characteristics you want to be expressed in the name, select your gender, enter your birth date and press "Get a Name!". Also, you can find more information regarding Chinese name.

Crazy Fresh Chinese

Learn a new Chinese word in just 30 seconds with video. The 100,000 Strong Foundation (www.100kstrong.org) is the founding partner of Crazy Fresh Chinese, focused on encouraging students across the country to both learn Mandarin and study in China.

Free Children's Magazines

This is a free reading platform for children sponsored by Chinese National Library.

Olympia Area Chinese Association (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) Copyright © 1980 - 2024