4/29/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年三月廿一 星期一)
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"Oly School” Announcement, 1st class on 11/12, registration due!

Olympia Area Chinese Community

“Oly School” Announcement

Olympia is our home, together we grow!

Dear friends of Olympia, we have an exciting news!  Oly School is starting!!!At this special time of pandemicsOACA strives to enrich the life andculture of Olympian.  We have formulateda series of on-line activities to fulfill your needs based on your surveyinputs.  Our goal is to maintain yourhealth, allow you to interact with local friends, learn new things, all from your home.  We thank, in advance, experts in many fields who volunteer to share their knowledges and experiences and to devote their time to serve the community. THANK YOU from all of us who will be benefited!  In the meantime, we are recruiting more talents.  Together when we share, wegrow.  Finally, none of these efforts will be meaningful without your participation. Please register to attend as soon as program details are finalized.

I. Guidelines of Oly School

It is a privilege of OACA members to participate.  All registered current members can participate at no cost.  Non-member may try out for a month.  A point system will be used to encourage continuous participation.  Each participation is counted as 5 point, those accumulated 30 points will be awarded a prize.  There will be prizes given out in lecture/class during interaction and Q&A, as the situation fits.

II . Oly School Channels

Channel 1. Dance in the Cloud (every Tuesday night 6:45 – 7:45)

Several dancingin structor will lead learning of: ethnic dance, contemporary dance, line dance,break dance,……  The goal is to allow students to get the taste of a particular style in a short time, while gaining strength, agility, flexibility, and body coordination.  It is designed to promote natural elegance,grace, and poise; great for teenager who wants to carry himself/herself well.   Dancing also install self-confidence and happiness.

Channel 2. Evergreen Healthy Exercise (every Wednesday afternoon 4:00 – 5:00)

TaichiQi Gong, Luk Tung Kuen, 8 pieces of Brocades (Ba Duan Jin), 24-style Tai Chi and other stretching methods mainly to relax muscles and ligaments, to activate joints and muscles throughout the body, to reduce stress, to enhance cardiopulmonary functions, and to promote blood circulation.  In addition to keeping an up-right poise,maintaining the middle qi line, and keeping the dantian, the key is"relaxing and calming".  Qi Gongexercises mainly focus on internal strength, soothing movements, relaxing into calmness, coordinating breathing with mind, and practicing both movement and stillness, improving concentration, breathing, and energy, finally synergizing with your body. This set of exercise is gentle and elegant, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

Channel 3. Happy Aerobic (everyThursday night 6:30 – 7:30)

Led by senior professional instructor.  Under the beat of music, movements includejumping, arm waving, hips twisting, clapping, head turning, just like what you will experience in a dance party.  The relatively intense exercise works to lose weight and to shape body. Participants exercise thru music and dance.  Each class will consume many calories and bring you a sweaty but refreshing body.

Channel 4. Gourmet Kitchen  (every Saturday afternoon 4:00 – 5:00)

Life begins with food and Chinese are most particular with cuisine art.  How can you live in town without good cooking skills?  Here, you will be surprised to find that the masters are among the folks in Olympia. They will take turns to share their specialties, which will open your eyes and appetite.  The real-time observation of cooking + interactive Q&A will turn a rookie into a pro in no time.  Don't miss it!

Channel 5. Knowledge Class  (every Sunday evening 7:00 – 8:00)

This channel will have experts from various fields to share practical knowledges in the form of short lectures and Q&A. Topics include: finance, taxation, insurance, real estate, gardening,environment, psychology, health, photographing & camera techniques, etc….,all are closely related to the specific life around Olympia Chinese. We are confident that in addition to gaining knowledge, you will benefit from these too.

Oly School, Knowledge Class registration notice:

Title: Washington State Medical Insurance Explained

Date/Time: Nov 12, 7-8 PM


1.     Explaining medical insurance for senior and disabled (Medicare Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D)

2.     How to find information and get help in Chinese


Speaker’s background:

Ms. Lichiou Lee is the Chief Actuary of the Washington State Insurance Commissioner’s Office.  She has been an actuary for 20+ years, and is responsible for the regulation of insurance rate for all the health insurance companies in the State of Washington. She has been assisting the Federal Government in overhauling health insurance system.  She is a renowned expert in health care regulation/system in both the Washington State and the Federal levels.

To register the class, click here:

***Note:All classes are subject to changes due to availability of instructors and other unforeseen circumstances.  All class materials and activities are provided by the instructors.  Participants shall exercise own judgement in the use of class materials and assume the risks involved in class activities.  Registering the class or entering the Zoom meeting room indicates agreeing to the statement herein.  




奥村的朋友们,好消息!奥村学堂成立了!!!在这个特殊的时期,我们华人协会理事会为了丰富奥村的文化生活,经过调查了解,策划推广一系列的贴近您需要的活动,让您待在家里,也能强身健体,保持身心健康,并可以和村友们亲切互动,交流学习. 在此,我们衷心地感谢各个领域的专家和有特长的朋友,愿意无偿地为社区服务,分享,奉献,让大家获益,感谢你们!同时,我们继续招募更多英才,群策群力,分享奉献,互助互惠,共度时坚。我们期待您的大力支持和积极参与!欢迎大家踊跃报名参加活动!详情请见下文或后续通知。

. 奥村学堂规则:

此类系列活动属奥村村民的福利,会员免费参加,每人每参加一次活动,可得5个积分,累计30个积分可得一份礼品. 课堂上还设有奖问答 好消息是,我们在试办期间,首月开发给所有的朋友参加. 第一个月后请非会员朋友与我们联系,尽快缴会费参与活动.

. 奥村学堂活动频道:

频道1. 云中舞蹈社 (每周二晚上6:45 – 7:45)

由多位奥村的舞蹈老师带领,有民族舞,现代舞,广场舞,街舞….志在让爱好舞蹈的小伙伴们能在短时间内掌握一个舞蹈,还能锻炼力量,灵敏性,柔韧性,协调性。同时让您的体型变得挺拔,气质提升,对发育时期的青少年还具有纠正体态的好处,练习舞蹈 还能让人变得更自信,更快乐!

频道2.常青健身操  (每周三 下午 4:00– 5:00)

太极气功,六通拳,八段锦,24太极拳等拉筋方法,主要是舒筋活络,活动全身关节和肌肉,调节精神紧张,增强心肺功能,促进血液循环。筑基的关键,除了竖脊、立中气线、意守丹田以外,更重要的是松静,气功锻炼以内功为主,动作舒缓,放松入静,配合意念调和呼吸,动静兼修,提升精气神,强身健体,功效倍增.  这套运动温和优雅,尤其适合中老年人。

频道3. 快乐有氧操 (周四晚上6:30– 7:30)

由资深专业有氧操老师带领明快的音乐节奏下的肢体律动,动作有:跳跃、挥动手臂、扭臀、鼓掌、甩头,就像是一场舞会。 如此较大强度的运动对减肥、塑身有上佳效果。 在锻炼中,人们可以一边随歌起舞,一边锻炼身体,每节课可消耗大量卡路里,练完后总会酣畅淋漓,神清气爽。

频道4. 傲厨美食 (周六 下午4:00 – 5:00)

民以食为天,中国人最讲究吃了!纵横美西,怎能不练就一身好厨艺? 在这里,你会惊讶地发现高手在民间,奥村的美食高手云集,他们将轮番上阵,分享各种美食制作,让你大开眼界,胃口大开,现场的观摩同步制作+互动问答,保证菜鸟秒变厨神,吃货们,千万别错过哦!

频道5. 知性课堂 (每周日 晚上 7:00 – 8:00)



时间:11/12 晚上7:00 - 8:00

介绍老人和残障者医疗保险 ( Medicare Part A, Part B, Part C,and Part D)

李丽秋女士任职于华盛顿州政府保险局(Insurance Commissioner’s Office) 担任精算师二十余年,现任该局总精算师(Chief Actuary)。除掌管华州所有健保给付业务,亦长期协助联邦政府进行健保改革,是公认华州及联邦健保法令与制度专家。

注册请点击 here

***注意: 所有课程都可能因教师或其他不可控因素而更改。所有教学内容及活动皆由教师提供,参加者须自行界定内容的正确性并承担参加活动的风险。注册课程或加入Zoom会议即代表同意此声明。

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