4/25/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年三月十七 星期四)
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OACA Needs Your Help For the Food Drive to Thurston County Food Bank

Dear members and friends: 

We mentioned yesterday that we were confirming with Thurston County Food Bank about the types of food that they need the most, and many friends in our community also suggested that OACA organize a food drive for our local food bank. Today we learned that Macaroni and Cheese, canned fruits, and canned soup are the types of food that have the greatest meet from their clients. So OACA calls on our community members to help with this cause by donating these three types of food along with others that are easy to preserve. Please check the expiration of the food before you donate to make sure it is not expired or will be expired soon.

From now on, you can drop off your food to the cardboard box at any of the following 2 locations by noon May 21. OACA is scheduled to deliver all received food to the food bank on May 22nd.

Drop-off address 1: 1502 Brighton Way SE, Olympia, 98501.

Drop-off address 2: 3432 30th Ct SE, Olympia, 98501.

To encourage more people to participate, OACA decides to match all individual donations by a similar valued item.  If you have any questions, please contact us at contact@olympiachinese.org.



亲爱的会员和朋友们,昨天我们提到过正在与Thurston County food bank核实捐赠食品的事情, 群里也有不少朋友建议协会组织个人捐赠,协会帮忙运送。经了解,food bank目前最缺Mac and cheese(芝士通心粉,Canned fruits (罐装水果), canned soup(罐头汤)这三种食品。协会呼吁大家优先考虑这些种类,但其他易保存的食物也可以捐献。请大家注意查看保质期,避免捐出已经过期或者很快要过期的食品。

即日起,请在下周四(521日)中午12点之前将需要捐赠的食物放到以下任一地点门口的纸箱里。协会定于522号统一将所有收到的食物送到food bank

Drop-off 地址1: 1502 Brighton Way SE, Olympia,98501.

Drop-off 地址2: 3432 30th Ct SE, Olympia,98501.



親愛的會員和朋友們,昨天我們提到過正在與Thurston County food bank核實捐贈食品的事情, 群裡也有不少朋友建議協會組織個人捐贈,協會幫忙運送。經了解,food bank目前最缺Mac and cheese(芝士通心粉,Canned fruits (罐裝水果), canned soup(罐頭湯)這三種食品。協會呼籲大家優先考慮這些種類,但其他易保存的食物也可以捐獻。請大家注意查看保質期,避免捐出已經過期或者很快要過期的食品。

即日起,請在下週四(521日)中午12點之前將需要捐贈的食物放到以下任一地點門口的紙箱裡。協會定於522號統一將所有收到的食物送到food bank

Drop-off 地址1: 1502 Brighton Way SE, Olympia,98501.

Drop-off 地址2: 3432 30th Ct SE, Olympia,98501.

為了鼓勵更多的人參加,個人捐贈的任何食品,協會將匹配一份類似的捐贈。如果您有任何問題,可以發郵件到contact@olympiachinese.org. 謝謝大家.

Olympia Area Chinese Association (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) Copyright © 1980 - 2024