4/29/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年三月廿一 星期一)
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Announcement: “Oly School” Recruiting Talents

Dear Members of OACA,

Since the opening of Oly School, OACA have been providing a variety of classes that are high-quality and practical, both improve physical, mental, and spiritual health.  These classes are widely praised and welcomed by everyone.  We thank everyone for your attendance, supports and encouragements, and we thank the teachers who dedicated their time and shared their precious talents with us.  Because of your kindness and devotion, the school is able to grow and benefit communities both within and beyond Olympia.  To that end, we could use more talents who are willing to serve simply by sharing their skills, knowledge, and experiences.  We sincerely call for teachers to chair various channels:

1.  Dance: Folk dance, classical dance, modern dance, line dance, etc.

2.  Cooking: Chinese, Western, etc.

3.  Aerobics: Aerobics exercise, yoga, Tai Chi, etc.

4.  Knowledge lectures: What looks ordinary to an expert is often fascinating to others!  Experts in various industries, and people with life experience and insights in various fields are invited to share in a one-hour lectures format.

Everyone is also welcome to recommend those hidden talents around you, or to voice interests that are on your mind.  "Olympia is our home, together we grow! " We are eagerly looking forward to your participation!
For those who are interested, please contact Vice President Wendy Chen or Treasurer Yijun Liu via WeChat, or email: Contact@olympiachinese.org



1.  舞蹈方面:民族舞,古典舞,现代舞,排舞

2.  美食分享: 分享中式西式各类美食的烹调

3.  健身操:有氧操,健身操,太极拳等

4.  知性讲座:隔行如隔山,请各行业的专家、各类生活领域具经验与心得者,来为大家提供各种知识性的讲座或者经验分享

意者请速以微信与 OACA副会长 林慧文(Wendy Chen) 或 财务总监 刘奕君联系。或电邮:Contact@olympiachinese.org

Olympia Area Chinese Association,contact.olympiachinese@org
A non-profit 501(C)(3) organization
Olympia Area Chinese Association (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) Copyright © 1980 - 2024