4/25/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年三月十七 星期四)
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OACA's Cash Donation to Thurston County Food Bank

Dear members and friends:

In recent months, the spread of Covid-19 and the governments' shut-down orders to suspend personal and business activitieshave brought great challenges to the economy and the lives of ordinary people.Over the last seven weeks alone, more than 30 million people in the UnitedStates have applied for unemployment benefits, and more than 20 million jobswere lost in April. During this difficult time, more and more families rely onfood banks to weather this crisis. OACA has contacted Thurston County Food Bankmanagement and learned that they are seeking more resources to help more peoplein need. After a quick discussion among all board members, we decided to donate$ 1,000 to support their cause and delivered the check to them on May 13, 2020.We also made a food drive on May22 of a large quantity of food donated by our community members and helped themfindvolunteers serving as Chinese translators.

Thank you all and stay safe and healthy!


各位会员和社区的朋友们,近几个月以来,新冠肺炎疫情不断蔓延,加上政府停工停产的措施,对经济和普通百姓的生活带来了巨大的挑战。仅仅最近的9个星期,全美已经有3千8百万人领取救济金,4月份2千多万人失业。在这个困难时期,越来越多的家庭依赖Food Bank渡过难关。OACA理事会联系了Thurston County Food Bank并且实地察看,得知这里每天领取食物的人数激增,车辆排起了长龙。Food Bank也在寻求更多的资源来帮助更多需要帮助的人。理事会全体理事紧急讨论后,决定向Thurston County Food Bank捐助现金1000美元,以支持他们的慈善事业,并于5月13日将支票交于他们的负责人Judy女士手中。理事会又于5月22号将社区群众捐赠的大量急需食品送到Food Bank,并且帮他们联系了愿意做中文翻译志愿者的朋友。在这里一并感谢大家。 

各位會員和社區的朋友們,近幾個月以來,新冠肺炎疫情不斷蔓延,加上政府停工停產的措施,對經濟和普通百姓的生活帶來了巨大的挑戰。僅僅最近的9個星期,全美已經有3千800萬人領取救濟金,4月份2千多萬人失業。在這個困難時期,越來越多的家庭依賴FoodBank渡過難關。 OACA理事會聯繫了ThurstonCounty Food Bank並且實地察看,得知這裡每天領取食物的人數激增,車輛排起了長龍。 FoodBank也在尋求更多的資源來幫助更多需要幫助的人。理事會全體理事緊急討論後,決定向Thurston CountyFood Bank捐助現金1000美元,以支持他們的慈善事業,並於5月13日將支票交於他們的負責人Judy女士手中。理事會又於5月22號將社區群眾捐贈的大量急需食品送到FoodBank,並且幫他們聯繫了願意做中文翻譯志願者的朋友。在這裡一併感謝大家。

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