4/25/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年三月十七 星期四)
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OACA's Pledge to Support the Victims of Coronavirus

Dear members and friends,

In the past few days, the entire world is watching China's coronavirus situation. As of February 1, almost 15,000 people in China have been infected and more than 300 have lost their lives. A number of cities in the epicenter province of the outbreak are in lockdown and hundreds of millions of people around the country are restricted in their homes for days due to the fear of being affected. Schools are delayed and businesses are temporarily closed. However, as this unexpected disaster pervaded and spread, we also saw a lot of warmth and kindness. Frontline healthcare workers have worked tirelessly to treat the affected patients. Countless people have donated money and supplies to help battle coronavirus. Chinese people from all over the world also deeply cared about their mother land and people there and generously pledged donations to show their support.

To show our support to the suffering people in China, the OACA current and former board members have discussed different options and decided to take the lead in making personal donations. We also encourage members and friends who are willing to donate to join us. If you are interested in this donation, please send a check to any of the current board members or mail it to: OACA, PO Box 2881, Olympia, WA 98507 by February 15. We will send all funds we receive to the Overseas Chinese Charity Foundation of China. For more details of this organization, please visit the following website: http://www.qlgy.org.cn/article/list.html?tid=5a5a19efd7c970e4c40be90d.

This fundraising is completely an individual and voluntary based, and does not involve any funds of the association. We will share the results of the fundraising and receipts with all participants when they are available.

Thank you all for your support!


约翰·多恩说:“谁都不是一座岛屿,全然成为自己, 每人都是大陆的一部分,若一片泥土被海洗掠而去,欧洲便小一点。”那么,让我们也做那个雪中送炭的人,为天涯之隔的同胞,伸出援手,献上爱心,让他们能够相信,没有一个冬天是不可逾越的,大地回春疫情消散就在不远的明天。届时,脱掉口罩后的笑靥盎然绽放,街头将会再次成为欢乐的海洋。

OACA理事和荣誉理事们看到了我们许多会员已经各自做了自己的爱心相应,也理解如何平衡援乡与护家的困境,毕竟疫情是全人类的大敌,全球化的今天没有世外桃源。理事会也调研了捐款以及捐物的各种各样可能,基于我们有限的能力,讨论决定由协会理事、荣誉理事们带头进行个人捐款,我们也鼓励愿意捐款的会员和朋友们加入我们的行列,在215日之前将善款支票转交理事会成员或者寄到OACA的邮箱: OACA, PO Box 2881, Olympia, WA 98507,我们会统一以协会的名义转交给中国侨联抗击疫情专项基金,详细信息请访问下列网站http://www.qlgy.org.cn/article/list.html?tid=5a5a19efd7c970e4c40be90d.



約翰·多恩說:“誰都不是一座島嶼,全然成為自己, 每人都是大陸的一部分,若一片泥土被海洗掠而去,歐洲便小一點。”那麼,讓我們也做那個雪中送炭的人,為天涯之隔的同胞,伸出援手,獻上愛心,讓他們能夠相信,沒有一個冬天是不可逾越的,大地回春疫情消散就在不遠的明天。屆時,脫掉口罩後的笑靨盎然綻放,街頭將會再次成為歡樂的海洋。

OACA理事和榮譽理事們看到了我們許多會員已經各自做了自己的愛心相應,也理解如何平衡援鄉與護家的困境,畢竟疫情是全人類的大敵,全球化的今天沒有世外桃源。理事會也調研了捐款以及捐物的各種各樣可能,基於我們有限的能力,討論決定由協會理事、榮譽理事們帶頭進行個人捐款,我們也鼓勵願意捐款的會員和朋友們加入我們的行列,在2月15日之前將善款支票轉交理事會成員或者寄到OACA的郵箱: OACA, PO Box 2881, Olympia, WA 98507,我們會統一以協會的名義轉交給中國僑聯抗擊疫情專項基金,詳細信息請訪問下列網站http://www.qlgy.org.cn/article/list.html?tid=5a5a19efd7c970e4c40be90d.



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