4/25/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年三月十七 星期四)
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Ending Anti-Asian hate crimes survey

Dear Members,

This survey has ended.  We collected 11 inputs with diverse views.  In general, OACA does not take position on the contents of such a survey (unless there is something un-lawful).  Your inputs have been forwarded to the young journalist, verbatim and anonymously.  However, there is an exception this time.  We would like to pass on the encouragement from the founder of OACA:

Dear OACA  Members,

I  am  afraid  I  do  not  know  how to counter Asian  American  racism  because  in  my  75  years  of  living  in  Olympia  I have had  bad  behavior  happened  to  me randomly and  each  time  I feel  very  sad .  I  am  an  American  citizen and  did  not  think  I  would  be undermined.  My  family  owned  a  Chinese  Restaurant  for  36  years  and  racism  is  alive  and well.

All  I can  say  is  to  all Chinese  living  here is  to  behave  in  Your  highest  good  to  let  everyone  know  that  we  are  above  all  negative  thinking  and  behavior.  Be  a  proud  Chinese  person.  I  dearly  love  our  nationality  and  our  civilized  culture.


Toy  Kay
OACA  Founder


这个意见调查结束了,我们收到了11份回复,包含各种不同的意见。一般来说,华人协会不对内容表达意见 (除非涉及到违法的事实)。我们会将意见原封不动的,以匿名的方式传给发起者。不过这次有个例外,奥华协会的创办者给了我们下面的鼓励:


我不知道该如何抗击针对亚裔美国人的种族主义,因为在奥林匹亚生活的75年中,这种恶劣行为随机发生,每次我都感到非常难过。 我是美国公民,并不认为我该被人诋毁。 我一家人经营一家中餐馆已有36年之久,种族主义依然存在。

我只能说,住在这里的所有中国人都该以您的最高格局行事,让大家知道我们不与负面的思想和行为一般见识。 做一个骄傲的中国人。 我非常热爱我们的国籍和文明文化。


Toy Kay
OACA 创始人,

Dear Members,

We have a senior student at Olympia High School who is a journalist for their student newspaper, The Olympus. He is doing a story on the rise of Anti-Asian hate crimes in the United States and would love to hear from you.  He has a few questions for you to answer.

1. How has the rise in Anti-Asian hate crimes and bigotry affected the Chinese-American community?

2. When former president Trump described the Coronavirus as the "China virus'' and "Kung-flu" among other pejoratives, in your opinion, did this contribute to the rise in racial intolerance and violence?

3. Any individual experience(s) with Anti-Asian bigotry or violence you would like to share? 

4. What can individuals do to help the Asian American community and fight back against racism?

Would you kindly reply with your answer to help this young journalist?  Helping him is helping the entire Chinese community.  Your response will be highly appreciated.


Victor Kao
Olympia Area Chinese Association (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) Copyright © 1980 - 2024