4/19/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年三月十一 星期五)
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Recipe, Sauerkraut Fish from 1/16

Sharing Instructor:Quan Xiaomin


·  750g pangasius or dragon fish,

·  1 packet of sauerkraut,

·  Chicken broth: Make from half a chicken, ginger, and green onion, stew in a pot, or use ready-made chicken stock from store.

·  1 Egg

·  Ginger

·  Scallion

·  Coriander

·  Cooking wine

·  White pepper

·  Oyster sauce

·  Cooking oil

·  Starch

Kitchenware/Utensils:  Sharp oblique knife, and ordinary kitchen wares


1. Make chicken broth one day in advance, or use chicken stock from stores

2. Put the pangasius or dragon fish fillet in refrigerator to thaw

Cooking Steps:

1. Shred ginger and scallion, soak in a small dish of water.  Set aside for later.

2. Slice the fish at flat angle with an oblique knife.  Add white pepper, salt, cooking wine, oyster sauce, and half an egg white, stir evenly, then add starch and stir evenly, add appropriate amount of ginger/scallion water (from step 1) to the mix.  Finally, add an appropriate amount of oil to lock in the moisture, set aside to marinate for about 10 minutes

3. Prepare supplemental ingredients, chop the sauerkraut finely, chop garlic, cut white portion of scallion into sections, and green portion into little squares.  Cut green and red pickled peppers into pieces.

4. Heat a pot, add sauerkraut and stir fry until the water dries up, then set aside.

5. Heat a pan, put in cooking oil and wait until oil is hot.  Add chopped ginger, shallot, garlic, and stir-fry until fragrant starts to come out, add non-spicy bean paste and continue stir-frying until fragrant starts to come out.

6. Add green and red pickled peppers, sauerkraut, salt and oyster sauce. Stir fry until fragrant starts to come out.  Set aside for later.

7. Wash the pot and heat it on range, put cooking oil in the hot pot, add bean paste and fry until fragrant starts to come out. Pour in the prepared chicken broth and bring to a boil, set to low heat, and add the marinated fish fillets one by one.

8. Bring the soup to a boil. Turn off the heat, scoop the fish fillets in a serving bowl, and pour the soup at the end.

9. Sprinkle ginger, minced garlic, chopped shallot on top.  Heat some cooking oil in the pot, pour it on top after smoking.  Finally, sprinkle with coriander.




主料:巴沙鱼或龙利鱼:750克,鸡汤:半只鸡,放姜、葱熬一锅汤,或用Costco的现成的鸡汤其他辅料:油适量、酸菜1包 、一个蛋,葱、香菜、姜、料酒、白胡椒、蚝油、淀粉



1.  提前一天熬一锅鸡汤,或者用店里买的鸡汤

2.  龙利鱼或者巴沙鱼片放冰箱冷藏解冻


1.  姜葱切丝泡水

2.  鱼斜刀切片,放入白胡椒粉,盐,料酒,蚝油,半个蛋清,稍微搅拌均匀,放入淀粉搅拌均匀,放适量的姜葱水调和。最后放入适量的油锁住水分,放一边腌制10分钟左右

3.  准备辅料,酸菜切细,蒜头切块,葱白切段,切葱花。切青红泡椒。

4.  锅烧热,放入酸菜炒干水分盛出备用.

5.  锅烧热,放油,放入姜葱蒜爆香,放入不辣的豆瓣酱炒香.

6.  放入青红泡椒,酸菜,放盐蚝油. 炒香盛出

7.  锅洗净,热锅放油,放豆瓣酱炒香. 倒入提前熬制的鸡汤烧开,开小火,一片一片的放入腌制的鱼片.

8.  汤烧开. 关火,舀鱼片放在盆里,最后浇入汤.

9.  盆上放姜丝蒜末葱花,锅里烧油,冒烟后浇在上面. 最后撒上香菜. 整个完成


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